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  • Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare


    {EE} The New Guy


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    Post Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:39 am

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    See that^ line?
    Every single person being mentioned in this thread and all people partaking ABOVE that line are all very bad at hl2dm. So no one cares. Really.

    For all you people who know him, contact Blasphemy Squad for a program that masks your CPU ID and GPU ID so you can use the nivida/ati offer as many times as you want to get as many accounts as your want. Steam knows this exists, which is why they made it so that the free accounts can only play free games and not have access to to any SDK.

    IP ban? google proxy client, then sift through it so you don't D/L a Trojan or keylogger. Or, do it the safe way and reboot your router. Both work fine, and you CAN trace the IP as much as you want, but you only get a general metropolitian range most of the time.
    Then what? range ban people?
    Wow, If I or anyone else used a proxy it could make it so that the whole country is banned.

    The fact is, T3 is fine with me (or anyone who was banned) playing on other accounts. But if I break the rules with those accounts, I get banned again. Or if I use the mic and reveal its me, I get banned again.
    That simple.
    Only way for me NOT to get banned is to keep my mouth shut, and play. Which is what T3 told me he is seeking. Me not doing "newguy" things makes it a gaming environment TKC wants for it's 4 year old (and people with a equivalent mentality) demographic. I did that. Really. I did... except on like 7 out of 9 accounts banned so far, I was kinda a prick on those first 7...

    This leads me to the other reason I got banned, and I NEVER used a mic in these other 2 accounts.
    Reason? = I raped too hard.
    Solution? = #getgood.

    I mean, one example is when Don Juan was camping the base, I flew in, got a HS w/ mag (225 dmg) then bow'd him (100 dmg). Bam. Dead. He ragequits after saying "What the F**k?!?" over the mic.
    This in NOT a shot against you Juan, you didn't call hacks, nor do I think you thought I did hack(I was P!t-Dawg in this instance), but you left in response/recognition that I was better.
    No one gets better this way. No offense intended.
    And there is ALWAYS someone better than you at any given thing, at any given time. Even after a community recognizes you as the 'best', it does not mean you cannot be beat. Such is the meaning of "#getgood."

    Eyerock, I appreciate your sentiment that you want some better players to play, but I doubt any other admins share that. So many times do admins spectate me when I alias and then leave the server, they know I don't hack, but refuse to get better. Now, anyone who is good is now a possible 'newguy suspect' - this is bad.

    I am far from the best, and if you continue to constantly persecute people who play better, then TKC will never earn any respect in any real gaming community, ever. I mean, when people ask how I do stuff, its better to have them spec me and I tell them as I do it over a mic, but in the case of TKC server's neither can happen. Why is spectate disabled? Not like they can STAY afk in it. You seriously don't want people to know the hiding spots? Such ignorance is considered "Noob" - another reason I think you are alone eyerock.

    Ugh, I have a feeling these words will fall on deaf ears, but I guess that is just the way it is.

    Swallow your pride and play, you get better. Trust me.
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    Post Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:59 am

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    Lol New Guy how long did it take you to type that,and same thign with me new Guy anyway who is good they suspect it is me and you because just about 4 people in TKC DON't,may i remidn you DON't think i hack all the others do.I thank those who don't think i hack and ask me how i do the crap i do.This goes out to DONT HURT Me....why in sams hell did you ban me.I wasn't using my mic,that was zach and a different Ghost who is talented.I just wish some of you could understand that instead of banning everyone who is good like new guy/and or me just let them play so everyone can get better.
    I used to be friends with everyone.What did i do to deserve this.Dont hurt me used to be my best bud on TKC,same with EYEROCK.You guys used to be my buddys untill you thought i hack.Just hope you guys realize you'll never be good by banning people.Only by playing those who you have once banned.
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    {EE} The New Guy


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    Post Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:37 am

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    Post's like that really prove that we need to raise taxes, a lot, and sink the money into our schools.
    Ghost, you are not a bad kid, but I'll be damned if I am actually going to try to read that mess. ugh.
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    Post Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:36 pm

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    New Guy you are under the impression, it seems, that we are trying to be a top notch skilled clan and that just isn't true. We accept all skill levels into TKC. Some are skilled, some not so much. It isn't about that. It's about having a good time. For those that want to compete at a higher level they are encouraged to do so, but other than that, I'm not sure we're out there trying to 'earn respect'. We have popular servers and that's what matters as we have a place to play and our clan grows larger all the time. Of course I think we have the respect of many ppl, I don't really care about the top notch players respect, they are such a small sampling of players to not really be all that important.

    Btw, if you really want to have people listen and read what you have to say, don't start off your comments with a line saying everyone who's posted above the line sucks. That's just not very smart. That is if you want to be heard.
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    {EE} The New Guy


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    Post Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:52 pm

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    Your are intelligent T3, so I knew you would read it regardless.
    That line was more directed at the wannabe "leet" guys complaining about being banned from your server.
    I am better than all of them and intelligent to know that it does not matter. It is your server, your money, your decision, end of story. Anyone who can't see that is just plain dumb.
    The other half of that is the TKC guys seemingly taunting them and treating it like it's some sort of victory or some crap, a good mem. to quote here is "HL2DM = SRS BUISNESS!" - yeah. So basically I was just saying that none of that really matters, in fact, I only skimmed through it for I could not read all the playground BS talk.
    My apologies to anyone I may have offended that did NOT fall into either category.

    I realize that you are happy with a more 'casual' gaming community, and it is your community I do believe. Or whoever owns the domain/web-hosting, whatever (not the point), Please do as you wish with it of course, it is all in fact yours. However what I really meant by that whole #getgood thing is that if you are not gonna try to get better, please respect the people who are. My apologies for not explaining that originally, and this carries over into almost any game/hobby.

    Once you recognize that someone is good, and perhaps better. A compliment or two won't hurt, and as long as they follow your strict 'playing etiquette' rules - they should be treated as well as your teammates, right? At least that is what I gather from the various TKC MOTDs I have seen. When I ran my server I did what I wanted when I wanted 'casue I could, yeah. But you all are certainly not like me, at all. Please be aware I am not asking for better treatment in MY case, just giving advice in general.

    I play in those servers and I get called a hacker, cheater, or "HE MUST BE USING SOME KIND OF GIMMICK!" Such behavior should NOT be tolerated by your traffic. This is what is considered "noob." Being new or a beginner to a new game or activity does not mean you are noob, a noob is a arrogant, ignorant, belligerent person who refuses to accept any attempt of a explanation for a given set of events. Many times people called hacks, admins would spec me, then leave - that's not enough. T3 you really should tell your admins to tell the hack-callers to NOT say and behave in such a way. If you don't, other beginner players will just believe the majority of hack-callers and then become noobs themselves.

    Much like if someone comes into my gym, looks at me lifting, and then cries "STEROIDS! STEROIDS! OMG! - STEROIDS!!! BAN HIM FROM THE FREE-WEIGHTS!!! OMGBBQSTEROIDS!!!!" - security throws their ass out, and tells them they're very wrong, and will not tolerate such banter. You all may not listen to me, and that is fine, but you won't have much respect at any level outside of your community if you allow noob behavior in your servers. That is a fact.

    Allowing noobishness begets ignorance.
    And ignorance spreads like herpes in a hot-tub, but is twice as nasty.
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    Post Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:59 pm

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    Yes, lots of people cry 'hacks' when they shouldn't. That isn't a phenomenon exclusive to our servers or community, however you are right. Admins should NOT be crying 'hacks'. Hacks are quite easy to detect in most cases and if you think someone is cheating, make a demo and upload it so I can watch it. If they are cheating they will get banned by Steambans and won't be playing on many servers with that particular ID.

    Many players, including me, get an inflated ego when they are, for the most part, near the top in skill in their particular part of the gaming world. When someone with greater skill comes along and upsets the balance of that world they live in, it can be hard to take. I do understand, as I think probably every single TKC member and admin understands, there are players out there who are better than we are. Whether you're name is Van Keizer, Kingloser, Gobbles or T3 (i'm picking those names at random so don't get offended), we aren't the best. I've spoken to King many times about how we don't like the way we react sometimes to someone with greater skill, however you shouldn't cross a line and accuse people of cheating. Either get the proof, fume to yourself or rage quit. The other option, as New Guy is saying is, get better.

    I think those people who start talking about someone cheating have just let the game get them overly emotional and say things that usually they don't even believe. That doesn't make it right however, just means they need to take a step back. Like King removed himself from HL2DM eLitE consideration because it was making him crazy. I don't even hardly play HL2DM anymore (CTF once or twice a week) but have moved onto COD4 where i'm no where near as skilled as I was in HL2DM so there isn't much to get upset about other than when I play with my friends who i'm competitive with.

    Long story short, of course you are right about your comment as you seem to be quite level headed when you choose, but you must admit that it seems hypocritical of you to lecture us about good behavior. Some might say it's newbie to come to someones server and openly mock the rules, partake in crashing servers, or go to a clans forums to lecture the admins about how to run a server. I'm not saying that your comments aren't true as i've already said, just interesting hearing it from you.
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    {EE} The New Guy


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    Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:48 am

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    Yeah, I am a interesting guy... so uh... you wanna go out sometime? I know a great sushi place. :D

    But seriously, yeah, I was more of a dick when I thought the bans were just a way for admins to get rid of a good player. I could have taken the CORRECT path in trying to petition my ban for 'attempting to internet-molest ninja gurl,' but I was banned on my original account at these forums, for the same reason I assume. At the time re-registering required an admin-approved activation, so I got impatient and got my other accounts out.

    The rest, as they say, is history.

    So now I am still able to warm-up my aim when I am about to play someone good, and I have to do it where I don't talk and therefore break any rules. Guess it all sorta worked out, except for a minor inconvenience for me having to change from my main steam account to an alias one.
    But considering my prior behavior, yeah, it's well deserved.

    And it is pretty much R.I.P hl2dm now.
    It was a good game while it lasted, best movement system in any FPS before or since.

    Nurti-Grain is telling EE to get COD:MW 2 and to get good at it, so chances are we will see you in that game.
    Maybe I'll behave better next time, but regardless, my penis is small.
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    Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:37 am

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    nice, later... dont know why you were banned so prematurely, that ninja girl was entrapping others, not just you... as they say... stuff happens.
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    Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:59 am

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    So than if calling someone a hacker is makign them a "noob" doesn't that mean you(T3),Kingloser,and just about everyone the hell else in TKC is a "noob" because EVERYONE in TKC thinks i hack except for a select few.
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    Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:00 am

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    good to see you ghost... how are things?
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    Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 8:09 am

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    New Guys so professional until he drops his favorite line.... my penis is small lol
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    Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:32 pm

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    ghost wrote:So than if calling someone a hacker is makign them a "noob" doesn't that mean you(T3),Kingloser,and just about everyone the hell else in TKC is a "noob" because EVERYONE in TKC thinks i hack except for a select few.

    I'm not sure why I am even responding to you since you couldn't hold the jock of a retarded Frenchman in a verbal decathlon but what the heck...

    I never said anything about you hacking... in fact, have we even been on the same server more than 5 minutes? (Maybe you were involved in one of the fundraiser events but I don't even remember). The only thing I've seen of you has been in demo's where you were cussing me (for no reason other than I help lead TKC) and being extremely offensive via chat. Don't think Kingloser ever said anything about you cheating either. It seems you just think targeting clan leaders will earn you some kind of brownie points. Not sure why, but what does it matter as it won't change a thing about your standing in this community. Just because you make something up and take the time to type it into a forum, doesn't make it true.
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    Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:16 pm

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    {EE} The New Guy wrote: He ragequits after saying "What the F**k?!?" over the mic.

    I don't care about the rest, but I've never said the "F" word over my mic on any server. The most foul word that I may have slipped up and said is sh*t and that was over Team Speak during our Fundraiser this summer, with T3 and King being the only two people who could have heard it in the world (since I was home alone at the time). I know there are people a lot better than me out there, I work 55-60 hours a week and have a family that I like to spend time with, so my time on here is usually limited to an hour a night during the week and maybe 3 hours a day on the weekend. I'm not worried about investing the time needed into this game to get on a play level with a lot of the more serious gamers out there. I do get aggravated when someone manages to get shots on me like that, and usually don't leave because of it. I don't remember that exact incident, but it doesn't really matter. Like T3 was saying, I'm just there to have fun like everyone else.
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    {EE} The New Guy


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    Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:05 pm

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    To Ghost: Go to school, holy Christ, and stay in it.
    To Gobbles: Ninja Gurl did not really bait/entice anything, she was just REALLY loud and REALLY annoying and could not handle Nutri-Grain and I "chirping" her. After the whole server was done laughing at her she cried to daddy and exaggerated the situation, but as you say, stuff happens. Doesn't matter now.
    To Josh: That line works with the ladies too, really, it does. Go ahead ans use it, I won't charge you for it this time.
    To Don Juan: Now that I think (like - really hard) on it, you may be right Don. May have just been "What the Heck?" and me being the intensely vulgar person that I am, I may have just heard it differently/incorrectly. My apologies.
    Also, if this was 2007, I would direct you to a lot of people and resources that can help your game. In a month you would probably get the bhop down even if you could only play 3-6 hours a week. But as we all can see, this game is almost completely dead, no point in learning it now.
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    Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:11 pm

    Re: Because I know you are going to post Ghost and Nightmare

    Guys please quit swearing even on the forums. I will allow you to do stuff like, sh*t or something, but I'm sick of editing posts and quite frankly i'm missing some of them.
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